Vintage Vibe Electric Piano
Our mission is to make the finest electric pianos in the world, while giving back to those not as fortunate as ourselves.
Vintage Vibe operates on 100% Passion. Our love of what we do motivates us and the joy we feel for giving back keeps us balanced. It is truly a privilege to do what we do and we feel gratitude for our abundance. We believe it is our responsibility to share our knowledge and give back to those who need our help the most.
We strive to make our small world a closer community of musicians and friends who share the idea that we can make a difference by helping others. A portion of profits earned by Vintage Vibe are used to help the many charities and non-profit organizations. It is part of our business blueprint to give back and we encourage the world to join in.
• Making exquisite electric pianos.
• Sharing our knowledge with anyone interested in learning.
• Giving back to those less fortunate than ourselves.
• Making a difference in the world through our conscious business practices.
Customer experience
• All customers are in the family and should feel like family. We do our best to look out for family.
Vintage Vibe Electric Piano website
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